Monday, December 27, 2004

The Best Friends I Could Ever Wish For

Once in awhile, I will write a post or two about my friends. I do it because I love them. They are the family I've been given the opportunity to choose. I am thankful for my friends each and every day. Some of the posts are serious. Some are funny. Some are sad. Some are a bit of every emotion.

My site is called "Sheepsheadians and Other Stories." My friends are the Sheepsheadians. Our name comes from a card game that we play. Here are some of the posts I've written about my friends. The first post I wrote was, "Sheepshead, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game."

Oh, I like Paul Simon... - About DM
Wicked Kung Fu Dreidel Spin - About Matt, my big brother
Keem's Birthday! - Self-explanatory
My Pledge - Enema talk
Thinking Before You Speak - I didn't mean it, I swear!
World Travelers - DM and I plan a trip
Love to Shop or Love to Laugh - Shopping with Matt
Scrapping with DM - Self-explanatory
New Year's Eve - With DM, Keem, and Matt
Pictures (or links to pictures) of my friends - Self-explanatory
A Night With Matt - Self-explanatory
A Happy Memory of a Parade - A parade (with pictures!)
End of an Era - I am left as the surviving Sheepsheadian at work
My Hero - Matt helps me out
Behind the Wheel - DM drives!
Discovery - Dedicating my site to my friends
Annual Gift Exchange:
Announcement - Talk about excitement and also about previous problems with former roommate
She's a Good Listener - About talking to DM on the phone
DM - Self Portrait of DM (She held the camera)
It's a Family Thing - Our Actual Gift Exchange

Did I Ever Tell You About? - A New Friendship Formed with Char
Busy Weekend - Going to the opera, out to a GREAT dinner, karaoke, shopping, and hanging out with old and new friends
What's Going On - Worry about a missing friend
Not a lot of sense - More worry over the friend
Weekend Update - Still worried. Brought up the subject of rectals at karaoke.
Happy Birthday Dana! - DM's Birthday celebration starts
Naked Passport Photos? - Our adventure to get our passports for Portugal
The "Gig" - We went to Michael's to see Michael's karaoke show
On the Edge - A random conversation with DM
Happy Birthday Johnny! - Best wishes for Johnny's birthday
Have You Misplaced Anything Recently? - Who steals tires???
"Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!" - Setting up Google Ad Sense to raise money to bring Johnny to America for a visit
Suggestions Needed - Cafe Press established to help fund Johnny's trip
He's a Pig - An old email
Taking Time to Travel to Tomah - DM and I go on a road trip to meet Mark
Smaller Than You Remember (Part 1) - Sheepsheadian Road Trip
Smaller Than You Remember (Part 2) - Sheepsheadian Road Trip continued
A Former Life - Post about former parties (with pictures!)
Steak & Penguins - DM and I go to the movies
Helllloooooo Officer - Char and I visit Perkins
Effing Cool! - I find a way to post a video clip of DM talking about Star Trek
Scenes from the notebook - Random moments from the past few months
Farewell & Goodbye - Char moves to Texas
Scrapbooking (and other stuff) with DM - Pretty obvious
Awesome Day - DM wins pirate pornography - there is a link, I also see Liese and Bruce
Char starts a blog! - Easy enough
Luck? - I go to the casino with Steve & Sarah
Blank Screen - a random post about going out with friends, karaoke, work, etc.
New Year's Eve, Karaoke, Music, and Work - lots into one post
Fascinating - A list of the 10 most fascinating people I've ever known
Word of the Day - DM learns how to pronounce a new word
What a Weekend! - The celebration of DM's birthday
Opera, Steak & Karaoke - the 4th Annual Sheepsheadians Day at the Opera (and 2nd time we got to Manny's together)
Happy Birthday Dana! - Guess who had a birthday
Hanging out with Friends - Char's back, I play pool with her and Sarah

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